Clayton D. Lewis
Hometown, StateNew Jersey
Branch of ServiceArmy Air Forces
Date of Incident04/20/1944
ConflictWorld War II 1941-1945
IncidentSinking of the SS Paul Hamilton 4/20/1944
Unit831st Bomber Squadron, 485th Bomber Group, Heavy
StatusMissing in Action
The SS Paul Hamilton was a Liberty Ship laden with ammunition along with 504 troops and 76 crew. The ship was en route to Algiers when a German Ju-88 aircraft launched a torpedo which struck the Hamilton, causing the ammunition to ignite. The resulting explosion claimed the lives of all 580 men aboard the Hamilton. Cpl. Lewis was among those lost. His name is listed on the Tablets of the Missing at the North Africa American Cemetery in Tunis, Tunisia. Narrative researched and written by Hall of Honor Staff.

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